Women's Ministry

In the vibrant tapestry of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, the Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) stands as a testament to our enduring commitment to mission work and Christian service. Established in 1959, the WMU has been a cornerstone of our community, fostering spiritual growth, unity, and purpose.

Our Mission and Legacy

From its inception, the WMU has been dedicated to several core principles:

Study of Mission Work
Delving deep into the scriptures and teachings, our members gain insights into the importance and nuances of mission work.
Support for Mission Offerings
Our commitment extends beyond words. We actively support various mission offerings, ensuring that our faith translates into tangible actions.
Community Engagement
We believe in the power of outreach. Our members are actively involved in community missions, touching lives and making a difference.
Prayerful Strength
At the heart of our union is the power of prayer. We uplift and strengthen each other, drawing from the collective energy of our faith.
Growth in Christian Service
Our journey is one of continuous growth. Through service, we not only help others but also evolve in our spiritual paths.

Join Us in Our Journey

The Baptist Women gather every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11:00 am in the WMU room at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. These meetings are a blend of mission actions, inspirational programs, dedicated prayer time, and heartfelt fellowship. We invite you to be a part of this enriching experience. Come, join hands with us, and let's walk this path of faith and service together.

3rd Wednesday of the Month @ 11:00 AM